# Whoami
@hashhash :)
- 🧑💻 Just an Amateur CTF player, likes to struggle at crypto, pwn challenges.
- 🎮 Playing CTF with Nu1L Team & HASHTEAM.
- 🚀 At present, I plan to learn some about MPC, Web3 and so on.
- Github: @hash_hash
- echo MTM1NzQ1OTMxN0BxcS5jb20K|base64 -d
:: Blog Links
- grhkm: https://grhkm21.github.io
- maple3142: https://blog.maple3142.net
- Mystiz: https://mystiz.hk
- hellman: https://affine.group
- tl2cents: https://blog.tanglee.top
- 糖醋小鸡块: https://tangcuxiaojikuai.xyz
- Deebato: http://d33b4t0.com